About This Product
The steviosides in this product should not adversely affect blood glucose levels in most individuals.
Pure Stevia All natural zero calories low glycemic great taste
What is STEVIA?
Stevia extract is derived form the leaves of a small shrub of the chrysanthemum famly called stevia. It grows wild in Paraguay and Brazil and is cultivated in Japan and China.
Stevia extract contains steviosides, a subtance that mkes it unique among over 300 species of stevia plants. The extract is calore-free and should not affect blood glucose levels in most individuals. Unlike the whole herb, the extract does not have a pronounced aftertaste.
Luo Han comes from the plan Momordica grosvenori. It contains an active called mogroside that is intensely sweet. Luo Han is 300 times sweeter than common table sugar or sucrose. It is low calorie and low glycemic, and should not affect blood sugar levels in most individuals.